Monday, August 18, 2014

Patrick and Ryan

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! The weather has been nearly perfect. Although not very August-Like. I hope it isn't leading to an early Fall, and then an early Winter. Ug the thought of snow gives me a belly ache! 

I'm taking you back to April with this post. I have ZERO idea how I skipped over these guys. This shoot was so fun. The weather was perfect and those faces made it so easy to keep snapping away. I went to High School with their mama so it was also nice to catch up a bit with her. 

It took a few minutes for the boys to warm up to me. But I just did my thing and they got used to me being there. I loved their curiosity while throwing rocks in the water. It's the little things when you are a little kid. You can just see the wheels in their heads turning. Love it!


I hope you all have a great week!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Baby Maverick

Today I am going to introduce you to Maverick. This kid is so much cooler than I will ever be, even in his first 10 days of being alive. His Mom used to work with my sister as a Hair Stylist and can pull off pink, purple and blue hair like no one I have ever known.  Their house was awesome and the nursery was great. I'm a big fan of unpredictable design elements so when I saw that the clock in the nursery was a rim from a car, I swooned. The kid's name is Maverick. Come on. Automatic ticket into the Cool Kid Club. 

I had so much fun with this shoot. The lighting was perfect and once Maverick fell sound asleep, he stayed asleep and didn't move. 

Mom and Dad are a big fan of Black and White (as am I) so I was really excited when I started editing. Sometimes Black and White add so much more drama. Not that a baby shoot needs drama, but you know what I mean. :-)

Love the little Faux Hawk!

Fist Bumps from Daddy

Thanks for checking out Baby Maverick! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Nantucket, 2014

Happy Friday Everyone! The weather here in Boston has been fabulous the past couple of days. And I haven't taken my camera out once. Sad face. We are heading down to Scituate this weekend, for the Heritage Days, so that should be fun. If Mother Nature cooperates. Fingers Crossed.   

Back in May, I was planning on going to Nantucket with T&B. I was planning on taking the Sunday evening boat with my Munchkin but due to the weather, all the boats were cancelled. I was super bummed. Not only was I disappointed for my own selfish reasons because I love that place so much, but it was going to be Charley-Boo's first road trip (holy run on sentence). It all worked out because we went Tuesday - Saturday and ended up staying a couple of extra days longer than planned. 

Here are some of my favorite shots from the Island. 

Buy this one HERE!

Buy this one HERE!

Buy this one HERE!

Buy this one HERE!

Buy this one HERE!

Buy This one HERE!

We always go to Something Natural and get sandwiches for the boat ride home. And 5 loaves of bread. No exaggeration. 

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
