As I mentioned in my Project 365 (that I have been MAJORLY slacking on), Charley has started to roll over. Although I have yet to see it. Daddy got to witness that one this weekend. I have tried with her every day but nada! She will get there some day for me. And I am enjoying every part of watching her try.
Alllllmost there! |
The drool never stops! |
ANNNNND I'm spent :-)
Nana Foley has given us all kinds of stuffed animals before and after Charley arrived. She is still too little to know which ones she likes but I wanted to do something fun with them.
Find the baby! |
I'm a mean Mama for including this one. But meltdowns are part of motherhood. And thankfully, this mama can calm her babe down in a quickness and it's back to work! |
I know I always do a close up of her face but her eyes are too pretty not to! Who knows if she will always be this good with a camera in her face. I am taking full advantage of it while I can.
Tomorrow is HUMP DAY! Enjoy the rest of your week!