So I had a few things on my list of things to do today - laundry, vacuum, photoshoot with Charley, bath for Charley, clean off my dresser, snuggle with Charley, play with Finn in the snow, among all the other stuff I need to do. Things that got done:
Laundry -- at 4, waaaaaay later than intended
Bath (actually 2)
It is like -48* here today (ok, slight exaggeration) so playtime will be another day. Snuggles are so much more important than a clean dresser. I should have waited for the bath, because girlfriend made her daddy proud again with a nice full diaper. At least she smells awesome now.
Our condo is not big at all, and Hubby works in the living room so there isn't much room to work with. I like to stay in our bedroom or her bedroom because the light is just right from 1 - 3ish this time of the year. Plus I can lock the pooch out. He is into EVERYTHING and its "FINN! Stop! Finn, go away. Finn EASY!"
My girl is getting so big! She will be 2 months next Wednesday. Time really does fly. We set up shop right on my bed. I flipped the duvet over to the white side, and just laid her down up against the head board. I'm a big fan of simplicity for baby's photo's. I think these came out great.
My neighbors gave her this chair for our shower and I LOVE it. I should have taken her 1 month photo on it, and continued each month. I'm just going to do it from here on out. So cute! |